The new Association of Friends of the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence – Friends of David – was born in 2017 to support the activities of this important institution, involving young people, Florentines, Italians and the many foreigners who love the Galleria: it is a way to reappropriate the Museum, to experience it.


Be an ambassador of your Museum and its exceptional Florentine collections, all to be (re) discovered.


Follow and take part in the Association’s special events, to improve your knowledge of the history and art of the Galleria dell’Accademia.

Tessera Amici Galleria Accademia Firenze

There are different types of membership:


. Ordinary (100€)

. Member (50€)

. Under 28 (20€)

. International students (10€ – semiannual)


Annual memberships last from the time of subscription to March 6 of the following year.


The card offers a series of benefits:


  • free and priority admission every day of the year

  • invitations to special events

  • 5% discounts in the Galleria Bookshop

Per supportare l’Associazione e diventare Amico, in caso di prima adesione, è sufficiente riempire il form di iscrizione e procedere al versamento della quota indicando la tipologia di membership, a questo link:


Become a friend


In case of renewal, the membership form is not necessary and the dues are paid from the same link.

To be environmentally friendly, our Association has chosen to switch to a digital version of the membership card. A simple system that with just a few clicks allows you to sign up and renew your membership.


Upon specific request, we also mail our members the material version of the card, on a monthly basis.


Meetings, guided tours, concerts, lectures–a selection of our Association’s activities

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    Take a look to our:

    REPORT 2017-2024

    A selection of activities and events that the Association has carried out or contributed to, in support of the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence.

    Report 2017 2024

      Friends of David

      Via Ricasoli 58/60

      50122, Florence